Like so many other people, I braved the opening weekend of the premier of the latest installment of the new Batman movies, “The Dark Knight”. Actually it was part of my birthday celebration. Since the kids, my wife and I rarely get out alone. So, as a gift, my wife arranged for a sitter and it was off to the theater (which was packed by the way). It was good, we really enjoyed it. But you’re not here for a movie review. That’s not my forte, and besides I’m sorta biased as to the real Batman, yours truly. No other actor has been able to capture the true essence of the dark Knight like myself. Watching the movie brought me back to my childhood days of dressing up in my plastic Batman costume from Halloween and jumping off all the furniture in the house. I was “The DORK Knight”.
bat man, batman, childhood, Christian Bale, costume, dark knight, dork, freak, make believe, pretend, the dark knight
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